Concerning Union and extra dues?

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Mike Sweeney
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Post by Mike Sweeney »

Mr. Bovine,
Most of us have worked off card sessions with board members. So if I get called before the board for playing those dates I will NOT go down alone. And when you let them know that the whole matter is a big mistake.
Mike Sweeney
John Macy
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Post by John Macy »

I'd have to agree with Smiley that the Union tends not to do much for the road/club players. The Union here in Denver really only caters to the Symphony and theatre gigs.

I would have to disagree on some other points. I have been a signatory employer with the Nashville union for many years. There has been zero pressure or influence on who to hire. I have used many double scale players over the years, and my checks go are made direct to them, and I sure ain't getting nothing back. I highly, highly doubt any player is kicking back to the producers. A Team players, whether in Tennessee, LA or wherever, get hired cause they deliver the goods, have the right attitude and an open mind to what's needed. Does that make them the best players in the world? Maybe yes, maybe no. But all the schmoozing, kickbacks, and whatever don't matter when the red light goes on. I spend a lot of time with with A players outside the studio. Do I get invited to have dinner at their homes cause they're schmoozing for work? Heck no--half the time they are too booked to work for me anyway. It's just friendship, which gets mistaken for politics all the time. People like to work with people they are comfortable with.

Oh yeah, this was about the union...
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Earnest Bovine
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Post by Earnest Bovine »

<SMALL>I have been a signatory employer with the Nashville union for many years. There has been zero pressure or influence on who to hire.</SMALL>
Maybe the Union goon squad spared you because you hired the right players.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Earnest Bovine on 09 December 2002 at 09:34 AM.]</p></FONT>
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Roy Ayres
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Post by Roy Ayres »

Speak for yourself, John. My experiences have been just the opposite. While I was in college I was asked to play a noon radio show, which fit in well with my class schedule. I played the gig for a week, and we were to go by the sponsor's store to pick up our checks on the weekend. When I picked up my check it was for exactly one half of the amount it should have been based on scale for radio shows. I asked if they "held back" due to a cut-off date on their payroll. I was told that the sponsor had contacted the local and they had agreed to let him pay half scale. None of the musicians were told of this "special arrangement." I told them that was not the deal I had made so I wouldn't be back on Monday. When I didn't show up on Monday for the show, he reported it to the local and I was fined for breaking the contract.

I feel that I don't need some third party such as a union to protect me. If I'm not good enough to cut the part, don't hire me just because I have been forced to pay dues to an organization that purports to be there to protect my interests. Just let them hire someone who DOES need the so-called protection and I'll go somewhere else where I can be paid based on my performance.
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Earnest Bovine
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Post by Earnest Bovine »

<SMALL> When I picked up my check it was for exactly one half of the amount it should have been based on scale for radio shows</SMALL>
You can probabaly get a small claims judgnment for the amount on the contract.
Jimmie Misenheimer
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Post by Jimmie Misenheimer »

Many years ago, I had to join Local #3 in Indianapolis to work at the "Little Nashville Opry". I sorta figured where this would be going at our "interductary meeting", when some cat giving a speech no less than 3 times made referance to the fact that ALL union musicians were GOOD musicians, and NO non-union musician could POSSABLY be a GOOD musician!! By the by - - I had already a couple of 'em before I went up to join...

Blue, 32, and a Shriner

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Roy Ayres
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Post by Roy Ayres »


I break out laughing each time I look at those Argyle sox you are wearing in that picture above. What you needed to go with those was a Paisley guitar.

BTW, is that a double-necked Supro?
Gene Jones
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Post by Gene Jones »

Roy, I think it was a Supro,it had that white with black swirls plastic toilet seat covering...I traded the single neck that came with the amp you see behind me, for it. (Sears or Wards..I don't remember which). That two neck 6-stringer with a DeArmand foot pedal was state of the art. I later bought a stand for it and played standing (like Leon). Image

By the way, to stay on Topic...this is the guitar I used when I "auditioned" for my Union card. (Remember when you had to audition BEFORE they would take your $175.00 check?) Gene<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 10 December 2002 at 04:44 AM.]</p></FONT>
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