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Skip Mertz


N.C. (deceased)
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2002 9:24 pm    
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Wow, what a Super job E.R. Chandler and Joe Smith did in putting this MASGA jam together.
Great facility, Great music, Great people!
Thanks to all that participated for making this another wonderful weekend of Steel Guitar music. Lots of new faces and players
I'll let others who attended leave thier comments, since I might wear my fingers to the bone with all the good things I could write about. Thanks again to all, Skip
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2002 7:47 am    
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I would certainly agree. Many many excellent players from around the region and a whole bunch of appreciative listeners.

It was great to meet and hear so many fine players.

I would say that this was by far the best Steel event I have attended since my return to Steel last year.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have met so many fine players and participants which makes this type of event so worth while.

Many thanks to all who gave their time and efforts to get this one off the ground and running.


[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 04 November 2002 at 11:28 AM.]

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Sam White R.I.P.


Coventry, RI 02816
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2002 6:39 pm    
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Yep I was there Saturday and I enjoyed the show. I stayed to hear each player play and I'll tell you the two brothers Joe & David did and amazing job paying. And I'll tell you Jerry Flemming is just plain Awsome on that Steel. He made a steel player that thinks he is the top really pay attention to the great licks that he was doing.And I;ll tell you Bob Hayes did a great job as did Mike Calaway.I want to thank Mike Callaway and Jerry Flemming for the great Seminar they put on . I think I learned something from it. I checked the way I sit behind my steel and I was lined up with the 12th fret and I moved to the 15th like Mike said and it made a big diffrence in my playing it seamed easier.Now I wish that I had brought my Steel with me and I think I could have made a few heads turn as I got better. I do Three of the songs from Mike Sweeneys CD.I played them at My Rhode Island Steel Show in September and The one that was Teaching me said I can't beleave how good you played those songs from the last time I heard you 3 months before.Great Show I always enjoy a good steel Show.Also thank you E.R. Chandler and Joe Smith for the great job they done.Sorry Joe I did not get a chance to talk to you.And E.R. thank you for talking to me and I will bring my Steel from now on.
Sam White

[This message was edited by Samuel E. White on 03 November 2002 at 06:48 PM.]

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Ken Latchum


North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2002 6:41 pm    
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YES!YES!YES!! I can't begin say enough nice things about this past weekend! I can really say that those folks that didn't make this Jam, really missed out of one of the nicest events to date for the MASGA. I can honestly say that ER Chandler, Carl Epling, & Joe Smith did all their homework on making this Jam the best yet. I do not want to forget Joyce Epling (Carl's Wife) and Lavenia Chandler (ER's wife) for their dedication for making this all happen so smooth. The Girls handled the door, paperwork (member & Participant registrations and new member forms, raffel tickets, and all the proceeds. They handled this event like a team and its was the smoothist Jam yet.
This event brought in more spectators than any event to date and the folks loved it. Joe's band was just great and boy do those band members love steelguitar! The base player and the singer of the band came back on Sunday just to sit back and listen. The facilities, food, and the folks at the Moose Lodge was outstanding! Their reception to the our event and to the folks of the MASGA was beyon expection. I am going to stop here and thank everyone for their participation and support for this great event and thank everyone that helped make this Jam/show happen. This event was a total success with 13 new members joining up in the MASGA and people were leaving saying they were sorry it had to end. All I can honestly Say "WHAT A WEEKEND" !!! and I can't sign off without saying that Tony Prior played just great and I enjoyed really getting a chance to meet him. Super Guy!!

Best Regards and Thanks to All
Ken Latchum
President MASGA

[This message was edited by Ken Latchum on 04 November 2002 at 05:55 AM.]

[This message was edited by Ken Latchum on 04 November 2002 at 06:26 AM.]

[This message was edited by Ken Latchum on 04 November 2002 at 03:52 PM.]

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Mike Sweeney

Post  Posted 4 Nov 2002 1:17 am    
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Well guys, Looks like I missed out on a dandy get-together. I know that Mike and Jerry are great teachers because I learned alot from them both. Mike got me out of alot of bad habits when I was starting out and I'm greatfull for it.
I hope to make the one Boo is doing next month but it's too early to say if I can or not.
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J J Harmon


Reynolds, GA 31076
Post  Posted 4 Nov 2002 5:42 am    
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It was my first jam and it was all I dreamed it would be and more. Big enough and yet not to big to get right in front of the teacher to see where he's setting the bar and holding his hands.

The networking was great also. I met a lot of players that live around me.

I joined first thing but there were a few that came in the second day then decided to join up.

Ken, E R, Carl and the crew did a great job.

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Bob Hayes


Church Hill,Tenn,USA
Post  Posted 4 Nov 2002 9:21 am    
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It was Great....Met a lot of new pickers and some of the old..and new friends. We had a great time pickin' with a Great Band and with tracks.
ER & all of his staff were top notch..and friendly..the food was good,,audience was great. and Ken did an outstanding job doing the MC and spining CD's....I want to thank everyone for putting up with my antics..and thanks Skip and Sam for encouraging me to attend this great function. Joe,Jerry,Mike,Arnet,Shoe,Tony,& David ..and.a few others..Thanks for "Lighting a Fire" help me play a little better.. I think the Next Kanapolis MASGA funtion will be bigger and better!!

[This message was edited by Bob Hayes on 04 November 2002 at 09:29 AM.]

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Richmond, KY USA
Post  Posted 4 Nov 2002 10:44 am    
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I've just got to add my 2 cents Skip, it was great. I usually play to my tracks and then leave the jam to everybody else. But this time I joined the jam too and I had fun fun fun. I set up between Jerry Bowman and Tony Prior. When each took his turn I was able to see what they were doing as well as hear it. Jerry threw some licks in there that made me forget which tune we supposed to be playing. So I just passed it on to Tony with a grin. Great job Ken. E.R., Joe and Carl, you know how I feel about the great job you did. Thanks guys and gals.
Pictures will be posted on in the near future. Give me about 5-6 days.

Edwin G. Shoemaker
ZB Custom D10 8/5
'75 Session 400 w/JBL Session 500 w/BW

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Jerry Fleming

Roanoke, Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2002 6:03 am    
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I had a great time in Kannapolis and would also like to thank ER, Carl, Joe, Tony, Ken and everyone that made this such an enjoyable event and a huge success. It was nice to make some new friends and the fellowship was great. It was good to see my old friend Joe Smith he sounded great and can play any style with style! I cannot remember making more mistakes and having more fun picking! what's wrong with this picture? The KEY is FUN!!

It was really nice to meet Tony Prior in person ... what a gentleman and great steel picker! Tony has some great tracks as well (plug )

I don't know when the next MASGA event is planned but count on my support and come on out you will have a blast! They just keep getting better!

All The Best,

Jerry Fleming

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Steve Cochran


Eden, NC, USA
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2002 9:31 pm    
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As a sho-nuff newby, this was my first visit to any kind of steel guitar gathering. It was wonderful. I was impressed by the warm welcome I received, the friendliness of everyone I met, and the abundance of great music. By the end of the jam I felt like an old timer. I feel like I learned a lot from both the newer players and the players who were more "seasoned".

My thanks to the folks who set this up. I really enjoyed the weekend and feel like I learned a lot. This was my first event. It certainly won't be my last.

Steve Cochran
Eden N.C
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