Saluda,Sc Show

Upcoming steel guitar shows, concerts, jam sessions, club dates, etc.

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Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

Gene, come on and join us! The more, the merrier! We have a good time, always get surprised---I remember the first time I heard Clyde Bloodworth play-WOW---make new friends, say hello to old friends---and sometimes we get around to making good music! Woody, Johnny, Wayne, Jerry, Jim, and whoever else is around, make up as good a band as you'd want to hear.
And most important, we get to use our talents to help one of the BEST causes I know of---the Shriners' Hospitals. Jerry works his tail off, the folks in the kitchen, the pickers---and proceeds go to the kids! How many more reasons does anybody need??
Come tomorrow, and spend the weekend with us!
David Fields
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Post by David Fields »

Hey Steve:
Did Chuck get enough people to do his teaching on Saturday at 4:00 PM?
I was thinking about coming for it.

Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

David, as far as I know, Chuck's seminar starts at 1PM, and ends at 4. And again, I've not heard anything from Chuck, so I assume the seminar is a "GO."
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Ernest Cawby
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Post by Ernest Cawby »

Steve this sure HURTS I want to be in 2 places this weekend, but trying to be faithful to the Florida effort to form a new Club, Will miss seeing you and bret and Debbie and the days. Matter in fact to many to mention, we love comming to Saluda and the fellowship we find there and the mutual love for each other and this thig called an AXE. Have fun we will se you down the road. bump bump hi DOC, play Little C for me.

David Fields
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This was sooooo awesome

Post by David Fields »

This show was awesome!
I saw one great show. One after another great performer. From the first to the last they were the best. I hope to never miss another show.
That backing band was as good as any as I have seen.
I can't remember all the names, but Mr. Woody and Jack? up front with the telecasters to Wayne and the awesome drummer made the steelers look good. Great show.
Thanks Stever and the Saluda Shrine club.
Nice meeting you Brett and you and redgold beauty rang out true!
Man, that was every bit worth the drive even with the price of gas. Oh yea.....the fiddler Rick Campbell was awesome too. Man, he could play.
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Brett Day
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Post by Brett Day »

Thank you, David. The other guitarist is Johnny Thomas. It was great meetin' you, man!

Bob Strum
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Post by Bob Strum »

Saluda is always a fun time, but this weekend was special. Sunday was standing room only. The fellowship and watching Chuck make such great music with such apparent ease. Mike Bagwell returned!! With so much fun, those who missed the show should come for the next one.
Sincerely, Bob
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

Yep, we had a great show! Unfortunately, the moron left Saturday night, and ran under the Piggly Wiggly there in Saluda. He's gonna stay under there, he says, till Cokes are a quarter and gas is fifty cents a gallon. I'm gonna miss him, in a way---But I missed my tonsils, too, when I first got 'em out.
And the show WILL go on!
David Fields
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Must say again....

Post by David Fields »

Why didn't someone tell me that these shows were this good?
Oh guys did.
Maybe the moron isn't the dummy after all.

I still can't say enough about this show.
Bob Strum, I had heard that you were good, but I was highly impressed.
Yes, and Chuck was good. That MSA that he played sounded as good as any steel that I have heard....but then again it must be sweet to know how to play it that well.
If any of you didn't know....well let me tell you.....Steve Gambrell can play a guitar.
Just had to brag on the show one more time.
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Rick Campbell
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Post by Rick Campbell »


Do you think they'll remember us? (inside joke)
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Chuck S. Lettes
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Post by Chuck S. Lettes »

What a great show! I had a blast visiting Saluda; this part of the US is beautiful this time of the yeasr. All of the pickers had their styles. I especially enjoyed Larry Moore's and Mike Bagwell's sets, plus it was fun to pick with Joe, Rob and Bob for the jam session. I enjoyed seeing some of my old friends and making some new ones. As always, thanks to the fine backup band-Johnny, Jim, Wayne, Woody, and thanks to Jerry and Charles Reece and Steve Gambrell for the invitation to perform and to present my E9th seminar. I look forward to next year.
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

First of all, David, thanks for the compliment! Please don't be a stranger. It's ALWAYS fun!
Rick, I am sorry that I didn't get to see you off. I didn't even know you were gone---And there's a good show at the Coliseum...
And Chuck, your tone is to die for. Good guys shouldn't be able to play as well as you do.
And thanks to Woody, Johnny, Wayne, Jerry, Jim, as well as all the guest pickers, for doing such a fine job.
And most of all, thanks to those who came out, in spite of high gas prices, to pay their hard-earned money to listen! Can't have a show without an audience, and you can't have a great show without a great audience!And we had a GREAT show. Thanks to all for helping the kids :D :D :D !
Vernon Hester
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Post by Vernon Hester »

T'was good show,enjoyed Bob Strum,Rob,Larry.Chuck and Jack Burnside did a good set with Unision Steel guitars (hard to do right).Chuck had a good set playing a strange guitar,(Dean Neeley's MSA).Hard to play those suckers when they are set up different than yours,But, he did well and Neeleys guitar has a nice tone.
Vernon Hester
David Fields
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Forgive Me

Post by David Fields »

Vernon, I know this sounds stupid, but who is Dean Neeley?

Just wondering....
Vernon Hester
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Dean Neeley

Post by Vernon Hester »

Dean is a fine steel picker from the Ailen SC area.
Sorry you did not get to meet him Sunday.Chuck was using his MSA and Walker stereo amp and speaker.(Chuck only used one speaker??).Dean has been playing in that area for years.So,next time look him up,Fine Gentleman.
Stephen Gambrell
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Post by Stephen Gambrell »

Indeed he is, Vernon. Dean is as fine a fellow as you'd want to know.
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Chuck S. Lettes
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Post by Chuck S. Lettes »

I'm also a member of the Dean Neeley Fan Club. Dean grew up with Bobby Garrett, so there's a lot of Texas in Dean's style. Playing his MSA guitar was a pleasure, except for having the knee levers on the "wrong" side.
Dean Neeley
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Saluda, SC Show

Post by Dean Neeley »

Thanks for all the nice words about my MSA, all of
you are too kind. That guitar never sound that good
when played it

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