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Rick Hulett

Hood River, OR
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 1:12 pm    
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Something I'd like to see on the Forum is a place where people can post reviews of the various PSGs they've owned or played. Something like they have at only for PSGs. Hopefully this wouldn't be used to trash builders, but more to help people evaluate the different guitars available and the strong and weak points of each. Just a thought.

Derby D10, Hilton, Peavey 112
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Terje Brattsveen

Nashville, TN. USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 2:46 pm    
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I think that's an excellent idea, especially for newbies like myself. We could read opinions by professional players about a certain brand, or an ERA of a certain brand to watch out for when we are in the market to trade up, or just add to the steels we already own. Get'er DONE!!
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Billy Carr


Seminary, Mississippi, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 4:30 pm     psg
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That would be interesting. Probably start a chain reaction on guitar opinions. Positive & Negative points of view. I may come back later and post my opinions on the guitars I've had over the past 37 years. Gotta go right now though.
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Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 5:59 pm     Well now....................
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With over 4,000 members, I'm confident one will find that many opinions or MORE, about the finer points of steel guitars; historic or current models.

On the surface is sounds more than reasonable but sometimes one man's opinion is a bit blurred/biased for one reason or another.

My recommendation would be to attend one or more steel guitar shows and sit down, hands on, and try the various models on display. You're either going to love it, or you'll feel an urge to move on.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 6:17 pm    
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I think all you have to do is read, and learn to use the "Search" function, and you'll find out just about anything you want to know. (Of course, you should try them out yourself, too!) A "Review" section would rapidly morph from solid objective information to near-useless sycophantic testimonials.

IMHO, you'll find a lot to like here on the Forum, but objective discussion about different brands of guitars is a real rarity. Rolling Eyes
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Rick Hulett

Hood River, OR
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 6:17 pm    
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That's an excellent idea about attending shows, but time and money don't always cooperate. At the very least I think a review section would make for a lively discussion. I know that I would learn a ton. Just the other day I found out that cabinet drop had nothing to do with dropping your amp on your toe. I'd be happy to start with my opinion of my lowly little Carter Starter if someone would advise me where to do it.

Derby D10, Hilton, Peavey 112
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Rick Hulett

Hood River, OR
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 6:24 pm    
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You're probably right. As I think about what they do at Harmony Central, there is no discussion to it. You just post what you think about a particular instrument, rate it and that's that. Maybe it would be a mess, but I've used the reviews at Harmony Central to inform myself on lots of different gear in the past and trying to learn about pedal steel, I miss it.

Derby D10, Hilton, Peavey 112
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Tom Campbell


Houston, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2008 7:11 pm    
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Harmony Central asks the reviewer to evaluate the piece of equipment according to a structured set of questions. This helps the reader to quickly select the topic that is important to them and cuts down on the rambling/bs that can happen in an unstructured review...which has happend here from time-to-time.
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Eric Philippsen

Central Florida USA
Post  Posted 7 May 2008 7:41 am    
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A review section would be a good addition to the site even though, as another observed, one could do a search on a particular item here on SGF and get reviews that way, too. Another made mention of review objectivity. Regarding that, I always read reviews with a grain of salt, keeping in mind that the reviewer/owners often want to convince themselves that their recent purchase was a good one. Last, I guess the thing I dislike the most about many of the "reviews" I read here is that they can be so politically correct and, well, nicey-nice. Sometimes it's just refreshing to read a review where the owner just writes something like, "Driving a lawn tractor was easier than playing this steel. Pedals worked easier, color was a whole lot nicer, and the engine had better tone."
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Bo Legg

Post  Posted 8 May 2008 7:36 am    
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PSG gone political. Ain't gonna be pretty.
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Keith Murrow

Wichita, KS
Post  Posted 8 May 2008 9:05 am    
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How about just posting reviews of pedal steels on Harmony Central? I've never seen a PSG review there, but I can't imagine why they'd prohibit it. I suppose the definition can be debated, but technically a PSG is type of electric guitar. There's already a few reviews of resonators on there.

If enough people indicated an interest to them, Harmony Central might even be willing to set up a new subcategory, maybe "Other Stringed Instruments" or something similar.

I agree that allowing replies and discussion would be a problem for a review section here on SGF. If Harmony Central will allow it, I say keep reviews on the site who specializes in reviews. b0b probably has enough moderator duties around here.
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John Fabian

Mesquite, Texas USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 8 May 2008 10:07 am    
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Keith Murrow wrote:
How about just posting reviews of pedal steels on Harmony Central? I've never seen a PSG review there, but I can't imagine why they'd prohibit it.

They don't.
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Rick Nicklas


Verona, Mo. (deceased)
Post  Posted 8 May 2008 6:06 pm    
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Opinions are just that... Believe me, I bought two different Universals because of rave opinions from this forum and neither one lived up to the expectations I had. I think if you are in the market to buy a steel, then make it a point to try out the make and model you are interested in before purchasing. If you want to see what is popular with all the body and mechanical options then this is a good idea, but I hope you can try that guitar out before you buy one. I recently tried out another guitar I had heard so much about and it is the only one that really lived up to the hype that I read on the forum and heard played live. Glad I "tried it out" (saved my marriage) and glad I bought it.

At our last KSGA Meeting there was about 12 of us and also 12 different brands of steels. We are all different in our preferences and our playing styles.... Isn't it great to have all these options available. Very Happy
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Cartwright Thompson

Post  Posted 9 May 2008 2:19 am    
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I think Keith's idea is the best yet. HC is set-up for reviews of guitars and as John pointed out, there is already a PSG review posted there.
That being said. Several times I've bought equipment because of the rave reviews of others on this site and elsewhere (here for instance), only to be very dissapointed with its sound/performance.
Now I think I'll go over and post a review of my '35 bakelite rick...
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Scott Hiestand


Post  Posted 9 May 2008 4:48 am    
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I had actually been toying with the idea of setting up a website specifically for this purpose. So much of the posts here, in one way or another, relate to which guitars we like (or don't like) and the reasons why. While I agree opinions are just that, if PSG players had a venue specifically for steel guitar reviews, maybe it would provide newer players a place to go instead of asking the same questions over and over here (i.e. "which guitar is best, which should I buy", etc), as well as diffuse the ocassional skirmishes that inevitably ensue from these types of discussions. I admit those can be fun, but in the long run aren't all that productive.

While HC may be fine, I think it might be even better to have a specific site for it. If I get enough positive feedback, I just may do it.
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Rick Hulett

Hood River, OR
Post  Posted 9 May 2008 8:22 am    
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Sending strong encouragement your way. As a newbie, the choices are kind of overwhelming. If you knew what to ask I suppose you could search the forum, but if you don't even know enough to do that it's kind of tough. Let me know if there's anything I could do to help, like maybe some web space.
Derby D10, Hilton, Peavey 112
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Larry Bell

Englewood, Florida
Post  Posted 9 May 2008 8:38 am    
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It's human nature to believe that the guitar you just paid $4000 for is the best on the planet. I can't count the times I've seen rave reviews of a guitar only to find it in 'Buy/Sell' in less than a year.

I would be most interested in what players whose reputations and income are staked on the sound and reliability of their guitars think about a particular brand -- and only after they have actually owned them for more than a year.

Just my personal opinion. Features are cool and new design innovations are great to hear about but the proof is in the pudding. What does it sound like? How well does it hold up on the road?
Larry Bell - email: - gigs - Home Page
My CD's: 'I've Got Friends in COLD Places' - 'Pedal Steel Guitar'
2021 Rittenberry S/D-12 8x7, 1976 Emmons S/D-12 7x6, 1969 Emmons S/D-12 6x6, 1971 Dobro, Quilter ToneBlock 202 TT-12
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