
Nothing to see here. Move along.
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Steve Norman
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Post by Steve Norman »

you guys are wasting electrons,,which may or may not exist at any point in space or time depending on the point of observation
GFI D10, Fender Steel King, Hilton Vpedal,BoBro, National D dobro, Marrs RGS
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Richard Sevigny
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Post by Richard Sevigny »

Steve Norman wrote:you guys are wasting electrons
Electrons have almost no mass, which is to say they weigh next to nothing.

Kind of ironic how our power bill pays for a whole lot of nothing.

Get enough of electrons together though, and they can sure pack a wallop!

If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.

-Albert Einstein
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Bo Legg
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Post by Bo Legg »

Nothing spelled backwards is gnihton and that still spells nothing.
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Lose a word, save a Quark.

Nope doesn't work like that.
It would still be there just
doing something different.
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

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Bob Hickish
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Post by Bob Hickish »

Women & the word Nothing !!!!!!

1. Nothing
This is the calm before the storm. This means something , and you should
be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

2. Fine
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and
you need to shut up.

3. Loud Sigh
This is actually a word , but is a non-verbal statement often
misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and
wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you
about nothing. (Refer back to #1 for the meaning of nothing.

4. Don't worry about it , I got it!
Another dangerous statement , meaning this is something that a woman has
told a man to do several times , but is now doing it herself. This will
later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?'
For the woman's response refer to #1
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Bo Legg
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Post by Bo Legg »

It looks like two words stuck together like "to and gether". like nothing is "no thing". I'd hate to go thru life with no thing.
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Scott Shipley
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Post by Scott Shipley »

Viva Viagra.
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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

In StarTrek, Jean Luc often tells Engineering to come to a complete stop, in other words...


...but I have to ask, a complete stop relative to what ? The galaxy in which he is travelling is rotating, and is also moving in space relative to the rest of the cosmos.

Einstein would tell us that it's impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, but if two starships are approaching each other at 90% of the speed of light, then their relative velocity is 180% of the speed of light.

Looking at it another way, if the universe is expanding, and the galaxy is rotating, and our solar system is orbiting the centre of our galaxy, and the earth is orbiting the sun, there's a lot of motion there that would have to be subtracted from the speed of light to give a maximum theoretical velocity. :eek:

And where does that leave time travel ? Science fiction gurus seem to ignore the fact that if you went back in time a month you would end up floating in space, since the earth wasn't in the same location a month ago. :eek:

And if ghosts inhabit buildings then they must have some mass, because otherwise the buildings, with the Earth, would keep moving away, and without gravity the Earth would leave the ghosts behind. :whoa: :whoa: :whoa:
Last edited by Alan Brookes on 27 Apr 2008 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

The sun is in the universe
and the planets rotate round the sun
and earth rotates on it's axis,
and it all expands away from itself.

But we are so danged important,
that the only point that matters is your own.

the universe revolves around ME,
from my point of view.
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

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Post by basilh »

Can't be YOU David, I thought it was ME. !!
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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

In my youth I used to do a lot of long-distance walking. I came to the conclusion at that time that I was standing still and I was rolling the earth around with my feet. :eek:

I guess it's all a matter of relativity. It's a matter of physics that when you jump up in the air gravity pulls you down to the Earth, but it also pulls the Earth up to meet you. Of course the Earth has a little more mass than you do, so it pulls you more than the Earth... :roll: :roll: :roll: :wink:
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R. D. Miller
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Post by R. D. Miller »

Here is a theory that would blow even Einstein's mind. I was introduced to the subject of fractals while taking a course years ago. What the instructor said was that everything follows a pattern and can be mathematically described. Then I got to thinking. The earth and other planets revolve around the sun, much like the electrons and protons around the nucleus of an atom. What if our solar system was just an atom on the butt of an extremely large cat :lol: :lol: Our bodies would be made up of billions of smaller universes. Comets/meteors would be like electrons flowing in an electrical charge. (I really don't believe this, but it seemed like NOTHING to add)

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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

That's the first thing students usually come up with, universes within universes, but once you delve deeper you realise the fallacy. The similarity between atomic particles and the cosmos is that they follow the same laws of physics. Once you get into molecular physics you encounter such things as quarks, which there is no equivalent of in the macro world. The existence of worlds within worlds requires the existence of particles smaller than is theoretically possible,
Last edited by Alan Brookes on 5 May 2008 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joe Harwell
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Post by Joe Harwell »

No doubt, this is one of the longer running, on-topic threads.

Will nothing ever be exhausted?

Not to boast, but it's certainly something I know much about.

Ooops! Excuse my off-topic reference!

-Joe in LA
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Richard Sevigny
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Post by Richard Sevigny »

This thread is slowly demonstrating that nothing can be endless....

If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.

-Albert Einstein
Tamara James
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Post by Tamara James »

Last edited by Tamara James on 17 Aug 2008 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ray Minich
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Post by Ray Minich »

I found this amusing...

In his book "Mostly Harmless", Douglas Adams used the phrase, "Anything that happens, happens. Anything that, in happening, causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that in happening happens again, happens again. Though not necessarily in that order."
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Fred Shannon
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Post by Fred Shannon »

sounds like perfectly good reasoning to me but you know me, I know nothing.

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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

If nothing has no beginning,
and has nothing in the middle,
then nothing has no end. :D
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

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Alan Brookes
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Post by Alan Brookes »

Fred Shannon wrote:sounds like perfectly good reasoning to me but you know me, I know nothing.
...sounds like you've come up Fredbare. :D
Ray Minich
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Post by Ray Minich »

So, How we gonna celebrate July 21st 2008?

That's the anniversary of this thread.

Would doing nothing be appropriate?
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Michael Douchette
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Post by Michael Douchette »

Here we go again... vavavaVOOM!!!
Last edited by Michael Douchette on 17 Aug 2008 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mikey D... H.S.P.
Music hath the charm to soothe a savage beast, but I'd try a 10mm first.

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Richard Sevigny
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Post by Richard Sevigny »

C'mon Mike, if you're going to celebrate nothing, then you should wear, well, nothing!

If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.

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Michael Douchette
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Post by Michael Douchette »

But Richard, I AM wearing noth...


just never mind... :lol:
Mikey D... H.S.P.
Music hath the charm to soothe a savage beast, but I'd try a 10mm first.

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David L. Donald
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Post by David L. Donald »

Nothing gets past him...

But how does he know it?
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

Real happiness has no strings attached.
But pedal steels have many!