Need player for gig Sept 8 in Nor. California

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Kevin Hatton
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Post by Kevin Hatton »

People who work for that kind of money just drag things down for everyone else. Go back and DEMAND $1000.00 for the band. If they won't pay, walk away. Are you that desperate?This kind of behavior is just hurting musicians. We just opened for Mark Wills two weeks ago. I made $150.00. I wouldn't have done it for less.
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Chris Schlotzhauer
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Post by Chris Schlotzhauer »

Good grief guys. All Jay wanted to know was if anyone was interested in the gig. All you have to do is respectfully decline or not post a response. I personally wouldn't do it because it's in California. I'm sure Jay was realistically expecting a response from someone in that area. If I'm not booked on any particular weekend and someone needs help, knowing it doesn't pay much, but it was close and I could hang out back stage, maybe party a bit, I would do it. Especially if it helps out a friend. I'll bet most of you guys doing the flame throwing, don't make more than 100-150 bucks for the average gig anyway. That's about the going rate, and 75 bucks is not an insult. To me anyway. Lighten up already. Geeeesh!
Jay Johnson
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Post by Jay Johnson »

Again thanks for all the responses. Just to clarify, I understand the concept of dragging prices down in music. I made a living doing music for 15 years. I now do the gigs I want to do and don't rely on this business for my primary income.

This gig is a favor for the owner and it pays $600 for one night. An 'extra help' position so to speak, is around $100 after expenses. $2500+ is the going rate for this band for other functions.

I'm sorry if I insulted anyone, but I'm glad I got my feet wet in this community. Hope to see you around.

Gil Berry
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Post by Gil Berry »

Yup, I've worked gigs for a lot less. And also worked in some really shabby beer joints for a lot more. But, did you ever stop to consider what it would cost just to RENT and TRANSPORT your equipment for a one-nighter? If you only made that back, throwing in your time FOR FREE wouldn't be such an insult. Ahh, the woes of a musician.
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Danny Naccarato
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Post by Danny Naccarato »

Chris is right here, in as much as helping out a friend, etc. Hell, I've filled in for people before when they were sick, etc. and refused any pay, period. Jay's last post clarified it a bit, and makes more sense. My initial reaction, as others probably, was it appeared to be a "high profile, big money" gig, yet they were squeezing the "other" band for peanuts,with the guise of it being an "exposure" deal. How many times has that happened to any of us? But as Chris said, if I lived nearby, and it was helping someone out, plus the room, and who knows what else, it's a different story. I think, in my opinion, Chris is dead-on here.
Gary Goodman
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Post by Gary Goodman »

I get $40 - $50 usually somtimes a $100 gig comes along

But I am working with a six piece band and we work almost every weekend doing American Legion, Moose lodges, Elks and VFW clubs.

I work a full time job and my music pays for the for my instruments and amps and such plus pays for gas etc.

I just like playing whenever I get a chance.

I also do a lot of freebees Benifits and such.

just a few weeks ago I did a benifit and J D M and Al Bruno were there picking too.

If I depended on the Steel for my living I might feel different, but to me it is relaxing thing.
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