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Author Topic:  Looking for a different type of chord finder
Sherman Willden

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 3 Apr 2008 8:26 am    
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Is there a chord finder where I can input a set of notes and get all the chords from those notes?

For example, with the A pedal fully depressed and LKR fully depressed I get the notes B C# E F# G and G#. I would like to know all the chord combinations from those notes. Then I could repeat this for all pedal and knee combinations to come up with the chords.

Thanks in advance;

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Bob Kagy


Lafayette, CO USA
Post  Posted 3 Apr 2008 3:01 pm    
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Karlis Abolins' free software Guitar Map effectively does this. (If you have a Windows based PC)

Here's another possibility (I'm not familiar with this one)
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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 5 Apr 2008 12:37 am    
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Sherman the notes you have listed form the E country scale which is an E major penta scale with a blues note added or a C# blues scale which is a C# miner penta scale with a blues note added.
These notes make up two great scales but all together make a lousy chord in any mode. Apart from that just at a glance I can see at least 50 different names for a chord made up of those notes and that is way more info than anyone needs regarding chords.
I guess I'm asking why would you want to do this?
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Sherman Willden

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2008 7:12 am    
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Thank you Bob and Stuart. Since I only get about 15 to 30 minutes about three times a week at the guitar I can't remember what I learned the last time. So I thought if I found the chords myself I might remember them. I was also trying to do my own chord chart as an xls document specific to my copedant/copendent. The guitar map will help me do this but I also found the chord house piano chord finder that sounds out the chord.

Again, thank you for the responses.

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Gary Baker


Charlotte, North Carolina
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2008 9:02 am    
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Think what you are looking for is

this is a PC based program for the PSG and is a great learning tool. Free demo download.

Good Luck. Bo Baker
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