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Author Topic:  The Garbled Syntax Of Paula Abdul
Peter Dollard


Post  Posted 27 Mar 2008 3:17 pm    
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It seems like Paula has a really hard time putting sentences together. Does she have a physical condition or is she taking some form of medication? It is almost agonizing to try and watch her do predicate verb adverb etc without her completely destroying the rules of speech and grammar. Certain pain killers produce this kind of delayed syntax response but I cannot believe she would get tuned up on them just before a tv appearance. Anybody have er a possible maybe just an answer?
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Mat Rhodes


Lexington, KY, USA
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2008 7:59 pm    
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Yes. I believe it's medication. Antidepressants in particular. Women her age in showbiz are prone to depression because their looks and self esteem fade much faster than that of men.
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Marc Friedland

Fort Collins, CO
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2008 9:07 pm    
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I don't know the exact details, but I'm certain she was hurt during a plane ride. I don't think it was a collision, but perhaps some severe turbulence, and she did have injuries that will probably effect her for the rest of her life. Taking medication for this reason might explain her seemingly odd behavior. Obviously, I have no insight into how much she takes. Maybe sometimes she makes a mistake and takes too much or perhaps just needs that much medication to get through the day even though it may have some side effects.
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2008 4:16 am    
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Not so much their looks fade faster,
it's just that the standard doesn't SLIDE
like it does for men.

Sean Connery sexiest man alive a few years back
even with no hair.
how many DECADES difference between sexiest man alive that year,
and sexiest WOMAN alive that year?

Funny, I can't even search who that WAS at the moment...
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2008 8:09 am    
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Marc Friedland wrote:
I don't know the exact details, but I'm certain she was hurt during a plane ride.

I think it was a car accident, but she was seriously injured.
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Marc Friedland

Fort Collins, CO
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2008 8:41 am    
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You're right, she was in 2 car accidents in the 1980's in which she sustained considerable damage. But she also was involved in a plane accident in 1992. I'm sure for those that are truly interested, you can find out additional info by doing a google search. Below is a section I copied from an interview with Larry King from a few years ago.

KING: You've had pain problems.

ABDUL: I did. I, you know, a lot of people don't know. I was in a plane crash and at the height of number one singles and I ended up kind of removing myself from the business because I was going paralyzed.

KING: Private plane?

ABDUL: Private plane.

KING: Where?

ABDUL: On tour, seven-seater -- oops, I almost said the company.

KING: That's all right do it.

ABDUL: Thirty-five minutes into the air leaving St. Louis, going to Denver, and engine blew up, right wing caught on fire at the other end and crash landed in flames in a cornfield.

KING: Anybody die?

ABDUL: Nobody died.

KING: What was it like going down?

ABDUL: Well, the first thing I remember is I lifted off my seat and I hit my head really hard and I passed out. When I came to everyone was holding hands and saying their last prayers.

KING: How soon did you fly again?

ABDUL: Well, I was -- I'm a stubborn little bugger and I'm tenacious and (INAUDIBLE) I've got to get back on a plane and I've got to keep touring. And I literally got back on a plane in three days but...

KING: I never heard that. That didn't get a lot of attention.

ABDUL: Well, it did get some attention but I didn't want to make a -- I worked it out publicity wise. I did not want...

KING: Milk it?

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