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Author Topic:  BIAB/Power Tracks for dummies--Thank you George Wixon!!
Michael Haselman

St. Paul
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2008 9:24 am    
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These programs are like Pods--do a million things but you only use about a dozen. If everyone went to as soon as they got these 90% of all the questions would go away. Great presentation of how to use these, and some LOL funny stuff too. After going through George's instructions, I can do whatever I need to. Thanks again, George. Very Happy
Mullen RP D10, Peavey NV112, Hilton volume. Hound Dog reso. Piles of other stuff.
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Bent Romnes

London,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2008 3:48 pm    
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Michael, I will second that one. Whatever little my brain has managed to absorb, I have George to thank for it. His screen-by-screen approach to teaching BIAB is a big help and a must-read for anyone who wants a kick-start in BIAB. Thanks George!
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George Wixon


Waterbury, CT USA
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2008 8:23 am    
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Your more than welcome. I can't see anyone having to struggle with a program if it's already been done before.
If there is something that is not on the site, feel free to email me and I'll be more than happy to help you out.
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Michael Haselman

St. Paul
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2008 11:29 am    
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Hey, George, as long as I have your attention. I was recording a guitar track to "In My Room", to my BIAB rendering. I split the wav into stereo. I noticed my guitar track got out of sync with the BIAB. I did that in stereo, too. I'm going to try a few different things, but do you know what would make this happen?
Mullen RP D10, Peavey NV112, Hilton volume. Hound Dog reso. Piles of other stuff.
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George Wixon


Waterbury, CT USA
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2008 1:49 pm    
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I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you are using the VSC3. If you are, you need to keep in mind that the VSC3 has a 430 millisecond delay. This is close to a half second, and is why you see that the cursor does not sync up with the measures as biab is playing the file. In other words when you hit the play icon, you see the cursor move and then you hear the sound.
Even if you use the DXI, you still have a delay of 104 milliseconds, about 1/10 of a second. Not as bad but the delay is still there.
This may be the cause for your sync problem. I'm not certain as I don't use biab for recording an instrument.
I have used it for doing a vocal and used the TC Helicon software for adding harmony and have not had a sync problem but it may be that the TC Helicon software syncs the vocal back up with the file.
I never record on the free track BIAB gives you for audio.
I always render the file to individule Wav files and then bring them in to a multi track recording program such as Power Tracks. Then I record my guitar on another track.
This way I never have to worry about syncing up with the tracks because any delays will have been processed and the wav files will have those delays included in them. Now when you record, everything starts at the same time.
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Michael Haselman

St. Paul
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2008 3:22 pm    
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Thanks, George. I was recording using Power Tracks. I guess I should have been clearer. I recorded from midi to wav, per your instructions, then I loaded the wav file in Power Tracks. Like I said, I loaded in stereo and recorded in stereo, you know how you have 3 options--midi, mono wav or stereo wav. I chose stereo wav for both, which may have been the problem. The guitar track started ok but gradually got out of sync. I'm wondering if it's a RAM problem, since I probably don't have as much as I should. Anyway, I'll try the same thing only using mono for both and see if that helps.
Mullen RP D10, Peavey NV112, Hilton volume. Hound Dog reso. Piles of other stuff.
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2008 10:36 am    
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Michael-George has helped my out for years and had a lot of patience for me. He has a video of recording with Power tracks for me, Which helped a lot too. But when I clik on that choice for my steel to record on the 2nd track I use Mono, when it is mixed with the backup, it will then record in stereo. You might try that. I think George told me that long ago if I
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Chippy Wood


Elgin, Scotland
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2008 1:17 pm    
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I would like to thank George for the humorous and easy way he helps people like me (computer illiterate)to understand BIAB,it has helped me a great deal to get past the stage of just playing the samples provided.
Ron (Chippy) Wood
Fulawka D10
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