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Ronald Lee White
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Spreadsheet for N/V 400 Mod

Post by Ronald Lee White »

Please send me a copy of your spreadsheet, and thanks for your generous offer.

Kind Regards,
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Ken Fox
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Post by Ken Fox »

I can't email the spread sheets without your email address. Email through the Forum does not allow for attachments. Also emails are no longer in the user profiles, a good security measure!!!
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Post by Ken Fox »

Plenty of kits in stock. Still same day service on most amps coming in.
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Post by Ken Fox »

Just a note to let everyone know we will be on vacation Oct 15 through about Nov 7th.

I have over a dozen kits put together and ready to install.

Still doing same or next day service so far!
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On the road again!

Post by Ken Fox »

Just a bump to let all of you know we are on vacation Oct 14 through Nov 7th.
Chris Sims
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Post by Chris Sims »

Do you have a full mod for the Nash 1000?
Please try to fit me in after you get back on nov. 7
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Ken Fox
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Post by Ken Fox »

We are back from vacation! Had a super trip and visited friends and family in Oregon, Idaho and Oklahoma.

Chris, I have a kit for the N-1000. It is just 5 plug in chips for the preamp.

I did three Vegas 400 and 1 Nashville 400 mod this week after returning from vacation. Four more N-400 and 2 LTD 400 amps are on the way.

Let me know if you have one on the way! I have plenty of kits for the N-400/Vegas 400 mods in stock.

I will be ordering more kits for the Session 400 and LTD 400 amps as soon as my vendors site is working again.

We will be at Saluda and can pick up amps for mods there. I will be doing battery-less mods, N-112 and N1000 amps there while you wait!
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Bo Legg
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Post by Bo Legg »

Hi Ken
You did the mods on my 2 Tubefexes. Real fast service. Thanks. Please email the spreed sheet for the mods for my NV400.
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Ken Fox
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Post by Ken Fox »

Just a reminder to all, I can not send spreadsheets from the email button on the Forum. It does not allow attachments.

Please send a valid email address to me via the email button associated with my posts and I can send you the file attachments.

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Gary Cosden
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Post by Gary Cosden »

I got my NV400 back from Ken two days ago and I can tell you that the improvement is dramatic. Better highs giving not only a sweeter quality up top but also better separation on the low notes. Ken's service could not be better unless he came to your house and did it for free while you were asleep! If you have a NV400 and have not done this mod it's time to give it up. Thanks Ken! Gary
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Ken Fox
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Post by Ken Fox »

Thanks, Gary. I think you hit it on the head with your description. The tantalum coupling caps let the amp breath and do do block the critical upper end of the audio spectrum.

That gives you separation and makes the bass seem even bigger while still using less on the bass control knob.

That really helps when you can turn the bass down from +12 to +15, where most players are cranking it. The bass frequencies use the most power and cause the amp to compress early. By using less bass the amp has more power in the mids and highs now available.

I watched Chuck Campbell and Russ Hicks at Saluda play through Chuck's modded 400 this weekend. His lows were at about +3 only, just a small cut at 800 hz (-2 to -3). Barely off of 12 o'clock on the highs and presence.

The un-modded 400's at Saluda had E.Q. settings with huge amounts of bass added and deep cuts on the mids. Yet, they still had a very mid range honky) sound when compared to Chuck's amp.

It was really a positive reinforcement for me to see and hear an "Intense mod" amp on stage and know the difference is so very substantial!!!
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Post by Ken Fox »

We have 13 kits left to install. Still doing same day service.
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Daleville Show

Post by Ken Fox »

We will be at the Daleville, AL show this week end.

We can pick up any amps needing mods or repairs there.
Repairs are limited to most all tube amps(except modern PC board stuff) , Vegas 400, Session 400, LTD 400, N-400 amps and Webb amps. Any of the older 400 series amps, Bandits, hybrid Peavey tube amps I can work on
as well.

We can also do the battery-less mods for Profex and other Peavey processors at the show,

I have a new prototype of a remote reverb control for the Nashville 400 and I will be bringing along to demo as well. I hope to have it tested and ready to sell in some quantity soon.
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Post by Ken Fox »

Just ordered another 30 kits for stock. I have 5 to do this week already! Thanks!!!

Here is a shot of a customer's amp I modded. He did the Tolex, grill, handle and hardware with supplies I got for him from Mojotone.

What a beauty!!!

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New logo and kits

Post by Ken Fox »

All our kits are committed. I have just enough to do the 3 amps on the way here now.

I should have 30 more kits ready to install next week.

I am about to order 200 small logo plates to start putting on the amp chassis after an "Intense Mod" is done!

When I get them I will send them to anyone having an amp that I did the install on. All I need is a self addressed envelope sent to me and I will send one to you (2 for some folks!!)

More on that later, amd I will post a picture of the finished logo/tag
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Logo plates and kits

Post by Ken Fox »

Got the parts in and we will starting sorting out and making up 30 more kits tomorrow.

Let me know if you have one on the way.

I will go Thursday to check the proof for the log plates. If they look good I will be ordering 200 of them.

I will post a picture ASAP of one. These will run me around $300.00. They should look really nice!!
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New logo plates for modded amps!!!

Post by Ken Fox »

I just ordered 200 of these logo plates. They are self adhesive. I will send to to anyone having an amp I did the mod on. Please email me for yours. I will verify against my records and have Ruth mail it out for you!

I will send one with each amp I mod (Vegas 400, Nashville 400, LTD 400, Webb or any other amp I have a mod for).
Below is a photo of one I put on my LA400 I just modded. Sounds great, too!

Harvey Kimray
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Post by Harvey Kimray »

Just received my Nashville 400 today after Ken did his fabulous mod and was blown away by the improved sound. I compared it with my other 400 what a difference. Will be sending my other 400 next month.
Thanks Ken for another job well done in a short period of time.
Harvey Kimray
Land of Enchantment :D
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Ken Fox
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Post by Ken Fox »

Logos are in and we will start shipping tomorrow.

Now is a great time for the mod! i have 30 kits ready to install and after a 1 1/2 month run at working 6-7 days a week, I am catching up at last.

We are almost in the new shop. Just waiting for a new (actually used from eBay) electronic workbench to arrive and then I will have everything moved in.

Here's a few shots. That's a 1967 Vibrolux I just finished Tolex replacement on.

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30 more kits ready to install!
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Post by Ken Fox »

Now is a good time to "gitter done"! The shop is always a little slow just before tax filing time.

Just did one for Merrill Fich! Not sure I can me out as good as Merrill. I ended up buying a Sierra U-12, so I spent more than he did! Thanks, Merrill and a great U-12 for sure!!

Been spending a lot of time on restoring tube amps. Just about to finish a 1967 Super Reverb, a Fender PA135 and a 1962 Concert (4-10" Brown amp).

Next project is to build a 1956 Bassman chassis and a 1955 Super Chassis. I have the cabs ready to cover with tweed. Should be some cool amps when done.