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Author Topic:  Help identifying a revrb type
Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 14 Feb 2008 5:15 pm    
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I'm wondering if anyone could help me figure out what type of reverb (and delay? something else?) is being used in Dick Overbey's steel part to "He don't deserve you anymore" from Johnny Bush's <I>Green Snakes</I> CD. Click here to listen to the intro and two fills. I would guess its a room type reverb of some sort, but it also has a more lush side to it than I wouldn't associate with room reverb. I'm trying to emulate this sound on a Pod and feel like I need to be pointed in the right direction.


Durham, NH
dbmCk mUSIC
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 14 Feb 2008 5:53 pm    
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Sounds like a simple short-delay reverb, to me. What they call a "basement sound", extended just a little. A mellow (warm) 1/2-1 sec. 'verb...(maybe with a trace of 250 ms delay).

Federal law, though, requires I give you this warning...


IMHO, Dicky Overby plays some of the smoothest, prettiest, and classiest stuff you'll ever the entire world! Probably only one player in a thousand could play with his exact setup and come up sounding anything close to that.

You can twist buttons all you want - but that sound, that amount of smoothness and expression, takes almost a lifetime to master.
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