World Trade Center Retaliation

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World Trade Center Retaliation

Post by RichardMcKinney »

Let everyone rest assured that the cowardess terroistic attack this morning in NYC/Pentagon/Pennsylvania will not go unchallenged.I'am a soldier in the forces which defend our great nation both here and abroad.And we carry a very very big stick.This is one time we really need to pull together as a nation and throw our political and religious differences asside.This is our country and our freedom no-one shall take that away."This Well Defend".As lee Greenwood sings so proudly, God Bless the USA.

Keep on Steelin
Carter 4/k 3/p

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Ron Whitworth
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Post by Ron Whitworth »

Hello Richard;
I wish you the best in the next few days & weeks as it looks as if you may be on the move.It sure sounds to me as if President Bush fully intends to find who did this terrible act & to make them pay.All of my thoughts & prayers will be with all of the families & relatives of the victims + all of the Armed Forces of the U.S..I am a Vietnam era former U.S. Marine who can be packed & ready to go in about 5 minutes so you just give a loud yell if you folks need ANY help.I am still ready;willing & able!!!..
This is absolutely terrible for all the citizens of the U.S. & we MUST take care of this now!!!!My best to you sir...Ron
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

Hi Richard & Ron,,,
It is people like you that make this country
the "Greatest Country In The World" you do us

God be with you and yours...
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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

The Stars and Stripes will wave proudly as
always forever. No man nor country can take
that away from us.

This country has survived many things and will survive this terrible event and the flag will fly forever in all its glory.

This is Gods Country. Those "demons" will pay for their sins.
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Damir Besic
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Post by Damir Besic »

Hi guys,
I`m Croatian and my country was terorised by Serbs and Milosevic (who end up in Haag)for years,and now this great country here,that I
live in and that I love with all my heart,is terorised by some Saudi Arabian or whoever that is.I`m not American but my wife is,and my kids will be,and I don`t wont to see them live in the fear of some terorists attacks(I know what is that like already)I talked to my imigration attorney and she told me that I can be a member of the Army National Guard in few months as soon as some of my INS
paperwork is done.That will be my first step and if there is a need for me to do more I will do it.I was a police officer and know something about fighting.God bless all the good people in America and god bless America.

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Post by slick »

God bless America!!!

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chas smith
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Post by chas smith »

Here's a piece from a Canadian Television Broadcaster you might enjoy. wait a minute, this isn't working, try the next one<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by chas smith on 13 September 2001 at 05:49 PM.]</p></FONT> <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by chas smith on 13 September 2001 at 05:52 PM.]</p></FONT><FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by chas smith on 13 September 2001 at 05:53 PM.]</p></FONT>
wayne yakes md
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Post by wayne yakes md »

I was 12 year active duty US Army vet and served in the Persian Gulf War. I am Airborne and Ranger trained. The western mind has great difficulty understanding the Middle East mentality and philosophy of life. But one thing that must not be confused is that this act is an act of war. The concept of "we must not stoop to their level and kill them, but should bring them to the US for justice" does not apply. This principle only applies to crimes performed by criminals. What these cowards did was not a crime, but was an act of war. In WW II we did not bring every German, Italian, and Japanese soldier to the US for trial. It was war. The same principle applies here. You engage the enemy to destroy him and his capability to wage war. You don't arrest him and bring him to "justice". Thus, to engage them and kill them is entirely appropriate and the only course of action to follow. We must not confuse this. Further, the cowardly terrorists started this war and, as always, the USA will finish it now that the "sleeping giant" has awakened.
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Ron Whitworth
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Post by Ron Whitworth »

AMEN Wayne!!!!..My sentiments EXACTLY!!....
I realize that many in the U.S & the world do not want a war but we CANNOT let this act go unpunished..If we pussyfoot around waiting around slowly the world & the U.S. poeple ( some of them) will lose interest & say just let it go..We need to act very soon..Ron
Larry Miller
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Post by Larry Miller »

It comes down to this, pure and simple, The sons and daughters of America and the free world die, or the son and daughters of those murdering bastards die...........I choose those murdering bastards! Larry
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chas smith
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Post by chas smith »

In a related story, the Reverand Jerry Falwell,on Thursday, blamed the ACLU, abortion providers, gay rights proponants and federal courts that had banned school prayer and legalized abortion for Tuesday's terrorist attacks.

The point I want to make here is if we get hysterical and just start killing people and blaming everybody we don't like or who doesn't agree with us then after it's all over, we, and our subsequent generations are going to have to live with the results, so we better be smart about it, and I don't have a problem with killing the perpetrators of this one.

I also think this is a lot more complicated than a group of 'cowardly' terrorists killing an unbelievable number of innocent civilians. Any man who is so committed to his 'cause' that he'll study and prepare for a year to carry out a mission that will ultimately kill himself is a serious force to be reckonned with, and the fact that there were so many of them is scary.

Every war that is fought is based on economics and not religeon. It's no coincedence they bombed the World Trade Center in the financial district of New York. I hope we don't just kill the 'soldiers'.

In a surreal aside, my dentist and friend, has a class III weapons license and one of his clients is the LA SWAT team, so while I was having my teeth cleaned on Wed. he was taking orders for machine guns. <FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by chas smith on 14 September 2001 at 12:11 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Craig Stock
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Post by Craig Stock »

I think goodness will prevail here, the outpouring of help, love and mercy is amazing. I live in a town with many people still missing from the attack. Many friends were in the WTC or neighboring buildings. My next door neighbor saw the first plane hit the 1st building as he was 10 cars from entering the Holland tunnel.
Yesterday you could smell the smoke at my home only 18 miles west of Manhatten, my sister-in-laws neighborhood in Brooklynn was covered with soot.
It was sad to see the twin towers missing from the New York skyline yesterday as I drove over an overpass where the city can be seen from.
Everyone should give blood in the future, say hello to your neighbor, smile to a stranger, it's what everybody up here is doing, and please pray for everyone. God Bless. Craig Stock
Hans Drissen
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Post by Hans Drissen »

Hi Richard. I want you to know that we, the people from Holland are behind you all the way. It was touching to see, that today almost everybody in Holland took a 3 minute break to pay their respect to all te victims.
I wish all of you strenght in the upcoming days. Hans.
patrick donovan
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Post by patrick donovan »

It is indeed a sad day, and I sincerely hope all these feelings of support for our service men and women continue for the duration of the war to come. It will not be short and unfornately, the grey coffins will arrive at Travis AFB in California again. I served 23 years as an Army Ranger (61-84) my son who is a Gulf War Veteran is still on active duty. He is a platoon Sgt in the 1st Calvary Division at Fort Hood, Texas. He was due to get out this December and start his career as an Elementary School teacher (His wife is also a teacher)

That won't be happening now, I am sure. I remember the fear I felt when he was in Kuwait, it is not pleasant, My wife has been through that and my three tours in Vietnam. I just hope we continue to support these young men and women we are sending in Harms Way!
Wayne, If you are not a member of the US Army Ranger Association you should be, you can contact me for info or visit are website USARA. If you want to see a pic of yourself go to the Fort Benning Website Ranger Department, They have pics of all the Ranger Classes. For me Check the back row of class 3-61, I can't believe I was ever that young!


Patrick Donovan
CWO (W-3) USA Ret

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Jody Carver
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Post by Jody Carver »

Chas,,,,you made a good point,,,a maniac will
go to any extent,,,,,,they will give their lives for what they believe is glory.

Careful that dentist dont use a bayonet to clean your teeth. You know the deal...if they cant find a "cavity" they will make one,
ever think of that? edited for "cavities"

National Dentists Asscociation<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 14 September 2001 at 05:00 PM.]</p></FONT>
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Al Brisco
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Post by Al Brisco »

Chas. Smith....Thanks for printing the quote by Gordon Sinclair.

This was originally broadcast over CFRB radio in Toronto, Ont. in the early '70's when the now deceased Mr. Sinclair as an announcer on that station.

We in Canada, are indebted to our American neighbours to the south.

I want you to know that I flew our flag at half-mast today as Canadians honoured a 'Day of Mourning' for the US. In fact, I've order an US flag which I will put up with our Canadian flag at half-mast until Sept. 22/01.

We are behind you all the way in an effort to rid the world of such hideous, ruthless people!

On a lighter side, here is a link to my web site with some photos of our SGC August Pick-Nic which Scotty attended, as well as some pix from Scotty's ISGC convention.
Bless you all!
Al Brisco
Steel Guitars of Canada.<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR="#8e236b"><p align=CENTER>[This message was edited by Al Brisco on 14 September 2001 at 07:10 PM.]</p></FONT>
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chas smith
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Post by chas smith »

Al, you're welcome, it's a good time to be reminded we have friends-Chas
Don Walters
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Post by Don Walters »

When I bought my Carter from Al Brisco a couple of years ago, one of the first things I did was put a Canadian flag decal on the front. I will now add an American flag to it as well. A small gesture I know, but it's from the heart, I assure you.

Don Walters
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Craig Allen
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Post by Craig Allen »

Wayne, I know one thing they understand..............."An Eye for an EYE, A Toothe for a Toothe." SOOOOOOOO.....
"Nuke 'em 'till they GLOW!!!

I was US Navy Riverine Forces, in S.E.Asia.
Yes Wayne, you are right. They have a whole different outlook on life, death, and religion. Yes it WAS an act of war.

And to Misseur Brisco.....Marci.
(My French spelling is terrible.)

GOD Bless America.
Bon Chance
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Post by TomP »

Yea, Chas. Falwell can blame who he wants, but the people he blames didn't give the Taliban and Ben Laden money, arms, and training to fight the Soviets. Our gov't did. Now we got to go get a refund. I could go on and on about people running their mouths like Falwell and not watching the watch lists or x ray machine at the airport. It's such a damn shame. We are the most powerful country in the world. We should have better sense. Now lots of young boys won't get to be old men. Again. God bless THEM.

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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

Jerry Falwell is a jerk. 'nuff said.
Larry Miller
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Post by Larry Miller »

<SMALL>Fallwell!!!!I believe some book once gave him the "A$$hole of the month award</SMALL>
James, I think I read that issue on Don Chapels old Metro bus going to a gig in Valdosta,GA. Larry
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Post by b0b »

Bad-mouthing Americans, even if they deserve it, doesn't really do us any good at this point in time. Let's concentrate on the kind of agressive, positive actions that will rid mankind of the terrorist cancer that has infected it.

<img align=left src=""><small>
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-System Administrator
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