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Gene Jones


Oklahoma City, OK USA, (deceased)
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2001 9:42 am    
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......with emphasis on "UNITED". Among the concerns for the current tragedy, I am seeing some criticism of our elected officials and governmental agencies. There will be time for that later if it is appropriate. This is not the time for finger pointing and blame, this is the time to stand firm and together against our enemies.

Sixty years after Pearl Harbor the debate still goes on about who was to blame for the failure to sound the alarm for the incoming attack....... But that debate did not begin until AFTER the crisis (WWII) was concluded.
Every citizen was joined together in a common cause to defeat our enemy.

Our national interests should be our first priority....not our failures.

May God bless America!

[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 12 September 2001 at 10:51 AM.]

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Larry Miller


Dothan AL,USA
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2001 10:23 am    
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Gene, Parking Lot!
    Larry Miller
    1st Maintenance Battalion
    USAREUR and 7th Army1973-1975
P.S.I'm sure our leaders will make the right decision.

[This message was edited by Larry Miller on 12 September 2001 at 11:25 AM.]

[This message was edited by Larry Miller on 12 September 2001 at 11:25 AM.]

[This message was edited by Larry Miller on 12 September 2001 at 11:26 AM.]

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Bobbe Seymour


Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2001 3:09 pm    
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Gene Jones, I've always respected your posts,This is your best!
Your friend,
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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 12 Sep 2001 3:24 pm    
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Gene,,,,why are you so good all the time?
I try hard ,,but cant seem to get the following you have.

Even Bobbe said you were great,,,,he never told me that, off.......not you Bobbe
Imean Gene....

Gene,,,him and that Harley,,,he thinks he is
Clint Eastwood just because he looks like him.
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2001 3:30 pm    
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Gene, you are so right!!!
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John Gretzinger

Canoga Park, CA
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2001 4:34 pm    
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I found this on the Motley Fool discussion board today and wanted to pass it along.
An Open Letter to Osama bin Laden

Dear Osama bin Laden:
Congratulations. You've done what our best diplomacy efforts have not been able to do. You've united the world. You've allowed the world to put aside its differences and instead made every terrorist group, and anyone helping these groups, enemy number one.

You struck us, you have wounded our country, but all that did was strengthen our resolve for freedom. It united a country and a world to stand up to anyone who would challenge that freedom. Instead of bringing out our worst, it brought out our best. Thousands giving blood, helping with the recovery, and standing up to you.

You launched an act of war. A war not against a country, but against any group that uses terrorism as a mechanism for policy, who attacks thousands of civilians, and who threatens democracy, freedom, and the opportunity for people to govern themselves. Be assured we will respond. We will be patient, prudent, and relentless in our pursuit. We will not strike out at citizens as you have done. We will target the persons who commit these acts of terrors.

You may think you won yesterday, but you are so sadly mistaken. You can strike a people, but the idea of democracy is bigger than New York City and the Pentagon. It is bigger than a country or a President. Democracy is tougher than terrorism. If you want to see the best of democracy than watch the people of New York. Watch the people of Washington DC. Watch America. Watch the world come together as it never has before. All for one defeat you and every other terrorist who threatens that freedom.

The only one who should afraid, Mr. bin Laden, is you.



MSA D-10
'63 Gibson Hummingbird
16/15c Hammered Dulcimer

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Craig A Davidson

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin USA
Post  Posted 12 Sep 2001 5:28 pm    
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Gene, You are so right. At this time we need to stand together, and let everyone know we can't be divided. Nothing can break us up, no matter what.

1985 Emmons push-pull, Session 500, Nashville400, 65 re-issue Fender Twin, Fender Tele

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Gene Jones


Oklahoma City, OK USA, (deceased)
Post  Posted 15 Sep 2001 3:34 am    
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After watching the various memorial services yesterday, I am compelled to post a follow up to my initial post.

One of the speakers at the Oklahoma City Memorial was the leader of the 9,000 Muslims who reside in our metropolitan area. He stated that he had a great dread of the recriminations that might occur to members of his community, but of the "hundreds" of messages he has received from throughout the Oklahoma City area...every one of the messages have been positive.

Apparently Oklahoma City learned well from their mistakes of six years ago, to not "react" in the heat of emotion and harm those who are innocent.

From the many messages here, and in other places, apparently we are indeed UNITED IN OUR RESOLVE TO IDENTIFY AND PUNISH THOSE WHO ARE GUILTY before we begin to point the finger of blame at each other.

[This message was edited by Gene Jones on 15 September 2001 at 04:37 AM.]

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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 15 Sep 2001 6:12 am    
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Amen to all of you,,,,,you "read my mind" as
well as my sentiments.

THANK YOU you Gene especially for this informative thread....
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Paul Graupp


Macon Ga USA
Post  Posted 15 Sep 2001 6:45 am    
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Gene; This has been a bad week for me as it was for everybody. But I lost my drive and the urge to join in and write had left me. I was telling Jody, I didn't want to play last night but once I started, it came out like a flood. Perhaps the same will be true of my writing.

But let me say this: You surely stand tall amongst us. You have weathered some of the worst life has to offer and still, when the rest of us may need an uplifting, you were there for us. Man, am I ever glad to be able to call you my friend. It is indeed an honor to know you feel the same way !!

Best Regards, Paul
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