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Author Topic:  On the Road with Barbary Coast ( one for the brits )
John Roche

Post  Posted 18 Oct 2007 12:30 pm    
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Back in 1980 Barbary Coast were the first British Band to write and record Trucking music for the british truck drivers .
Reflecting there life on the road in the UK and the rest of Europe, all the songs were written by Robbo Robinson and members of the Group.
The film was the support for Superman One and was played on about every tv network in the UK.
The movie took about a year to complete due to the workload of the band. It was sponsored by British Layland who had just won the Truck of the Year
with their T45 ,but they were unable to provide any truck for the film, they went out of production soon after.
On the final day of filming Robbo had throat infection and was hardly able to sing as you will hear.
The movie is in the BFI | Film & TV Database

It was a lot of fun doing the film and a great memory...
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