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Author Topic:  Know anything about the 6-string Jedson?
Iain Carmichael


Post  Posted 1 Oct 2007 8:48 am    
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Hello folks, I'm 66 to the south, 16 to the north- that's years measured from the neck. I'm about to take up the non-pedal steel guitar, and I need to know what a beginner needs to know, I guess. I've much enjoyed lurking on this forum over the last few days and I'd greatly appreciate your help. I have a guitar; it's a six-string Jedson I bought from a chap about twenty years ago. I've put new strings on it but the bass strings seem dull and lifeless, as do ALL the strings above the 12th fret. They don't "sing" and there's next to no sustain. Moreover, the treble string has noticeably less volume than the rest and so is lost in a chord. It strikes me that these are probably symptoms of a poor quality instrument. Am I right? I'm resigned to having to buy a new one. I've drawn up a short list at the head of which is the West Coast company. I wonder if anybody would comment on that? Or maybe I should be looking at an old Magnatone or Fender or such?
Sorry this, my first post, is so wordy (but I have to admit that there's more to come!)


Iain Carmichael, Stirling, Scotland.
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Rick Alexander

Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Oct 2007 12:35 pm    
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Hi Iain, Jedsons were pretty cheaply made. I had one for a while and I sold it to a guy I didn't like. Smile
Old Fenders are cool and fun to collect, but they are getting more expensive and harder to find.
They can be problematical - particularly the tuners.

I would recommend a Remington Steelmaster, that's what I always take to live performances.
They look and sound great, they're noise-free, and they stay in tune.
They come in 1, 2 and 3 neck models.
Demo video clip
You can talk to the man who makes them: Herb Remington 713-923-8435

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Iain Carmichael


Post  Posted 1 Oct 2007 1:09 pm     Jedson, etc.
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Hi Rick,
Know what? You're the guy responsible for all this. It was stumbling (in YouTube) on your renditions of Bula Hula, Waltz of the Trolls, Song of the Islands, and Slow Running River that inspired me to get up to the loft and find the Jedson! I take this opportunity to thank you.
And thank you too for your advice here. I'm swithering between a Remington, a West Coast (great value, I think), and a vintage specimen. I'm also told that replacing the pick-up can make an enormous difference to old Jed- so I'm going to give that a go too.

Best regards,

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Rick Alexander

Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Oct 2007 1:48 pm    
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Thank you Iain, that makes me feel really good to know that my efforts have inspired you to take up Steel Guitar.

David Gilmour used Jedsons, probably because not much else was available in England at the time.
I know he changed out the pickups, and I believe he replaced the bridge and nut as well.
They have very little sustain as is, plugged or unplugged - so good stainless steel replacement hardware could make a huge difference.

There really are no bad choices among the options you're considering, so you'll probably do just fine in any case.
You should at least give Herb a call though, you might like what he has to say.
My YouTube tutorial videos are available on a DVD - much better sound & video quality, and you can watch it on the telly.
b0b has them on the forum for a very low price - click here!
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Craig Stenseth

Naperville, Illinois, USA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2007 11:08 am    
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Found this page accidently, it's got some more information and pictures about David Gilmour's lap steel / slide guitar usage:
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Danny James


Summerfield Florida USA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2007 1:25 pm    
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Those Remington's are great sounding guitars and are beautifully made. You won't go wrong there.

I agree with Rick to give Herb Remington a call.

You won't find a nicer person to talk to.

He's very down to earth, knowledgeable, and an outstanding musician.

Best wishes in your taking up the non pedal steel guitar.
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Iain Carmichael


Post  Posted 7 Oct 2007 2:57 pm     Jedson thread.
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Thanks Rick, Craig and Danny Smile . I'm sure glad I joined this community- there's so much generous help around. Getting there slowly but surely. Think I fancy a six-string. (didn't realise there'd been more posts, btw! Embarassed ).
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