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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 23 May 2007 5:02 pm    
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Well, I spent the better part of the morning visiting with Charlie Stepp at the Derby factory. I'm always amazed at the hospitality I receive from Charlie and Margit. I get to catch up on what's going on with some of the steelers around Nashville and on the road and have a great time just visiting.

Besides just chewing the fat, I was particularly looking for another copy of an earlier gem featuring Johan Jansen with the Midnight Riders on the Moondance album.
Great music and vocals including a tune called the Scar that is one of my all time favorite songs of anyones.

While looking for that, Charlie reminded me of Johan's "Head Back in the Clouds" CD. I had heard bits and pieces of it, but never had or took the time to really listen to it. I got the CD while I was out there, and I must say I'm sorry I waited so long to pick it up.

This ain't your pappy's steel guitar music, but boy is it ever nice! Start to finish. I hear a bit of easy listening, some R&B, maybe a little soul and what I think is maybe a reggae influence on the JJ Jam cut. Just fabulous stuff.

He gets some help on a few cuts from the likes of Paul Franklin, Dan Tyack, and Bob Hoffnar and terrific slide guitar, keyboards, brass and percussion among others.

I know this old news to a lot of you as this work is about 5 years past, but taste and style never get old. I just thought I'd give 'em a plug in case you're looking for something a little different on the pedal steel guitar. You probably won't recognize any of the titles or tunes, but I guarantee you it'll scratch your psg itch. Very Happy
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Johan Jansen

Post  Posted 21 Sep 2007 9:03 pm    
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Thanks for the nice words, Jerry!
In a short while there will be a DVD LIVE AT THE PARADISO from my band The Secret Combination. I'm shure you will like this album too, if you can stand my album Smile
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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 30 Sep 2007 3:02 am    
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Thanks for the heads up JJ. I'll be on the lookout for the new offering.

I've still got the "head" disc in heavy rotation on my changer. What a refreshing change from the everyday fare. The writers and musicians you chose for the album are off the scope as well. Anyone wanting to know how the steel guitar can be used with all styles of music, should listen to what's happening on it.

I trust the new CD is equally astounding and I look forward to hearing it real soon.
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Dan Tyack


Olympia, WA USA
Post  Posted 6 Oct 2007 8:00 pm    
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That album was a blast to play on. The Dutch players that Johan assembled were phenomenal (especially Tres Manos!).
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